When did you last experience a random act of kindness?
Was it when your friend dropped off coffee after you had a rough day?
Or when your boss wrote that thoughtful note about how you nailed the presentation?
Or maybe it was when your parents offered to watch the kids for an hour while you took a nap.
Whatever it was, remember that feeling? The way that small act brightened the outlook of what you thought was a dark, miserable day?
Wouldn’t it be cool to pay that feeling forward?
We totally can! And it doesn’t take much. The smallest actions have long-lasting effects.
When is Random Acts of Kindness Day?
Random Acts of Kindness Day (RAOK) is February 17, 2022, and Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 13-19, 2022.
But we all know we shouldn’t limit acts of kindness to one day or one week.
14 Family-Friendly Random Acts of Kindness
So as you read through these creative ways to show kindness, brainstorm how you can practice them on RAOK day and all year long.
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1. Notice and Greet Others
We’re often so lost in our thoughts, we forget the world around us. Instead, notice the person walking by, ringing up our purchases at the store, or checking us in for our appointment.
Greet others with a friendly smile, wave, or “good morning.” It takes a second, but will likely brighten their day for much longer than that.
2. Be Kind by Being Green
There are a lot of ways we can be kind to Mother Earth. One opportunity is right outside our front door.
Take a walk around your neighborhood and bring a bag or a trash grabber along. Pick up litter you see along your walk, making the area cleaner for your neighbors, the planet, and yourself.

3. Look for the Good and Call it Out
While interacting with others (be it online or in-person), we often notice what we don’t like. What we disapprove of, are jealous of, or annoyed with. Instead, look for the good.
Congratulate a friend on her accomplishment. Compliment a sibling on his latest purchase. Thank a loved one for listening. These little acts build confidence in others and gratitude in ourselves.
4. Pay Someone’s Tab
Don’t worry, this doesn’t have to cost a lot. The next time you’re in line at the drive-thru, offer to pay for the person behind you. When I’ve done this, the most it’s cost me is $15.
This random act of kindness is one of my favorites because I often see it continue from one car to the next as others get inspired to pay it forward.
5. Spread Love to Those Who Miss It
Let’s talk about our friends who lost someone close to them. Those who don’t get to experience the kindness of their loved ones anymore? While we can’t bring that back, we can still send love their way.
Surprise them by having sweet treats, special notes or flowers delivered. It’s a small act, but it’s an act they don’t experience as often.
6. Say it With the Written Word
The act of writing (or typing) a letter grants us time to reflect on how special the person who we’re writing about is.
We can leave a note in person or send it via mail, text, or email. Or try this craft for your love notes. Writing your thoughts and feelings allows the receiver to read it as often as they want, spreading love many times over.

7. Lend an Ear
Think about how fulfilling it is when someone actively listens, uninterrupted. If we set an intention to truly listen, we can give that gift to others.
This can happen spontaneously, like the next time your child shares her feelings. Or, you can plan it. Call or meet up with a friend or family member and invite them to talk. And as they share, lovingly listen without interrupting.
8. Perform Random Acts of Service
Know any new parents, or someone who’s sick or caring for a loved one who is sick, or someone who is grieving? During these stages of life, we desperately need extra help around the house.
Offer to clean the house or cook dinner. If you can’t come over (like during a pandemic), have a meal delivered. Pay for a cleaning service. Or gift tools to make their life easier: like a robot vacuum.
9. Thank the Essential Workers
During this pandemic, we’ve witnessed how essential our essential workers truly are. Let’s show them how much their service means to us.
These random acts of kindness can range from being respectful and caring when interacting with our essential workers, to writing or drawing thank you notes. Or putting together care packages and making donations.
10. Let the Kids Decide
How stoked would our kids be if they could choose what to do—whether it’s for a half-hour or a full day?
Give kids a “kids choice” time. They can choose the game to play, the food to eat, and what our role is within their schedule. Obviously, we can set up a few rules ahead of time to keep some semblance of order, but then, put the phone down and give them your full attention.

11. Give a Voice to Those Who Don’t Have One
We can perform random acts of kindness to the animal kingdom, too!
Play a new game with your cat. Teach your dog a new trick. Make a donation to a nonprofit organization or animal sanctuary. Or, consider going vegan or plant-based for 1 day. Did you know going vegan for 1 month saves 30 animals? So if you’re vegan for 1 day, you spared 1 animal’s life!
12. Tell Your Family You Love Them
This seems obvious, doesn’t it? We say, “Bye, I love you!” probably several times a day. But how often do we pause, look them in the eye, and let the meaning behind those words sink in?
Spread love throughout your home by hugging the ones you love most. Tell them you love them and why. Hold them a little longer than usual. Make sure they know how special they are to you.
13. Check out the Random Acts of Kindness Calendar
Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17 this year. And Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 13-19. If you haven’t already, check out the run resources for the family on RandomActsofKindness.org. I especially like the calendar.
The calendar spans every month, not just February. Each day features an act of kindness, so you’ll have ways to spread love all year long.
14. Be Kind to Yourself
Wait. What? Seriously? Isn’t this post supposed to be about spreading love and kindness to others? You betcha! But, how can we give to others what we don’t possess ourselves?
Find a moment to practice mindfulness, or take a mindful walk. Take 10 minutes to exercise and burn off any negative vibes. Write in your journal, paint, garden—whatever it is, take a few minutes to be kind to yourself.
Final Thoughts: Do I Really Have Time for This?
Imagine the exhaustion that comes from working a double shift. And before you leave, a child passes you a drawing with a heart that says, “Thank you!”
Imagine you’re a kid, squealing with delight when your mom says you get to choose what to do today. You decide to make your parents the kids and you get to be the parent and boss them around for a change!
Imagine feeling lonely, and too tired to cook and the doorbell rings. You find a warm meal, fresh flowers, and a sweet note from a friend on your porch.
We can create those warm and fuzzy feelings. We have the opportunity to spread love and kindness with our actions.
Are we busy? Of course. But do we have a few minutes to spare to say something kind, write something heartfelt or do something to change someone’s day? Probably.
And would sacrificing those few minutes be worth it? Without a doubt.
Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day (and Week) friends. May we spread love and kindness today and all year long.
What’s a random act of kindness someone has done for you? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Love this! Easy ways to be thoughtful and share with my kids. They will enjoy putting their own spin on these suggestions.
Thank you Charlie! I’m so glad!!
I love this so much! Often we think we need to do something “big” to pass on kindness, but what if we ALL did something small? (or big, of course). These are such great ideas and I’m always trying to find new RAK my kids can participate in as well!
Thanks Megan! Totally agree! It doesn’t have to be big to make a difference!
I love all your options. When I was an elementary principal, we gave out special redeemable tickets to students who were caught doing random acts of kindness.
That’s awesome Christina. When I was in school we used to do a lot for it. I’m not sure why my kids don’t do anything in their school for it.
A little kindness does go a long way!! These are fantastic and so simple that everyone should do them! Thank you!!
Love thee ideas. I do a few of them, I also always thank a soldier when I see one. Sometimes a simple simile says a lot too. I will have to bookmark this and come back often. We all need a little kindness in the world right now.
Blessing to you, and thanks for sharing.
Thank you Samantha! And thanks for sharing. Thanking a soldier (or a Vet) is a great idea. And so easy to do!
I love when I see people around me go out of their way for someone else. I still have a card an elderly gentleman handed me one day in the grocery store that said-smile you are doing great. I had a screaming infant in the basket while trying to checkout with a line behind me. Since then I have always stopped and praised any parent that has a child having a meltdown in a store to remind them we have all had those moments.
Aw, Rosie I love that story! We all totally need that support when we have a crying child, a bunch of people waiting for us to hurry up and something we need to focus on (like paying the cashier)! It’s stressful. What a wonderful thing he did. And that’s awesome you’re paying it forward! Thanks so much for sharing!
I love this. This is so important to practice these days!
Nice ideas! Kindness is never a bad idea!!
Love this. I try to smile so big at people that even the mask can’t disguise it!
Lol me too Katharine!
These suggestions are so great. I find that helping others always lifts my spirits. It allows me to move forward. Less focused on myself. I try to be kind to myself daily especially when I want to be down on myself. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing Sabrina. Being kind to myself is something I have to remind myself to do! Which is why I included it lol. So glad you take time each day to do that!
There’s always time to be kind! Love all these ways we can share kindness
Yes, there is always time for kindness! I love paying it forward!
This is perfect! Thank you for the inspiration!
Such great suggestions for Kindness. We can all choose to be kind no matter what. Thanks for inspiring us all with these fun suggestions.
Random acts of kindness. This is such a good reminder. Thank you
Kindness is something we practice every day. It takes almost no time at all when it’s a habit.
I wish there were more people out there with your kindness and spirit. You are a testament to the good in our world!
Aw, thanks Jason! That’s so kind of you to say!
Love doing random acts of kindness! Just so rewarding!
Perfect post just in time for Valentine’s Day. We’ve heard about people picking up other people’s tab but have never done it. So we are vowing to do it this week, when we pick up our Valentine’s to-go meal.
I love it Linda! That’s a wonderful idea! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thank you for including the environment in this list!!
Lol! Heck yeah Suzan! Love being kind to Mother Earth!
This is such a great post! I agree with you about how important it is to greet others when we are out of the house. Even a simple ‘how is your day going?’ can make a huge difference in someone’s day!
Aw these are so sweet & thoughtful. I always try to remind my husband about the simple greetings. I’m super friendly and he’s more short/shy & to the point haha. But it really does help make someone’s day when you’re kind and a little attentive to them. I also love that you included kindness to the planet and the animals. <3
Thanks Keirsten! You know me! Gotta send some love to the animals too.
Coming back to this post, it really is such a lovely way to spread kindness all of the time. I saw a small business owned on TikTok leave cards for her postal team with coffee gift cards to show her appreciation for all that they do for her and I thought that was such a sweet thing. You never really think how something so small could mean so much to someone else. And we all love to feel appreciated in our jobs. Thanks again for sharing this
Thanks for sharing Keirsten! It’s so true! Any little act can make a big impact on someone’s day!
I love the feeling of giving!
Lovely ideas!
Great stuff! I try not to do just random acts of kindness, but intentional acts of kindness throughout the day. This article put a smile on my face and gave me a warm feeling. I look forward to reading more of your articles.
Thank you so much Allison! I love that idea: intentional acts of kindness. And honestly, most of mine are. I like to plan ahead to surprise someone or do something that I know will deeply touch them. Thanks so much for reading!
This is such a great post, full of wonderful ideas! It’s so important to teach children about kindness. I really like the being green and calling out the good, since those are outside the normal realm of kindness acts.
Aw thanks Anitra! I’m a tree hugger, and want to do all I can to be kind to Mother Earth.
These are all wonderful! I especially love the being kind to animals. Happy Valentine’s Day
Thanks Alexis! You too!
I love this. The best way to build kindness into our children is to live it. Doing things for others as a family is HUGE! There are so many great ideas on this list. Thank you.
Thanks Carrie! So glad you enjoyed it. And I agree, including the whole family is a great way to show our kids what kindness can look like.
These are awesome suggestions! I love both practicing random acts of kindness and receiving unexpected kindness.
Love this! We are doing a little challenge this month of random acts of kindness and keeping track. It’s been fun and the kids come up with so many kind ideas!
Aw that’s awesome Kristin! I love hearing what acts of kindness kids come up with!
Very actionable and sweet list of acts to walk the path of kindness. The world will be a better place if we all practice this. Thank you sharing!
I think the hardest one is be kind to yourself.
Such wonderful sentiments. There are so many ways to be kind in our daily lives, if we would just be aware enough to do it. I appreciate your inclusion of widows and widowers in your list. That’s a tough one – invitations and listening, on a consistent basis, is very important, and the need doesn’t disappear as quickly as muggles (those who haven’t lost a spouse) may imagine.
Thank you for sharing this. I am a big proponent of acts of kindness and with the world in the turmoil it is, every act of kindness whether random or planned is needed to mend relationships and times.
Such great suggestions for small and easily managed tasks that will make someone’s day. In this day and age, you never know how much your small act of kindness actually means to someone.
This is such a great list and a perfect way to show your children how to be kind through example! I almost always pay for the person behind me in the drivethrough line. I need to start doing more things though.
When you can be anything you want to be in the world-Be kind! Love your message.
Love that quote Maya!
I recently sent one of my daughters’ dance teachers a little gift because we had canceled a private session with her and I felt bad – she was so appreciative! It’s the little things that give us a bit of a lift now and then.
Aw that’s so thoughtful of you Danielle! Thanks for sharing!
Love this! Can’t wait to participate this week
I love RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS! What a great reminder!
I so love this article. Kindness is just great for the giver and receiver! My kids (5 and 2yo) went to help our elderly neighbor unload his groceries this morning, I was so proud of them.
Aw, that’s wonderful Misskorang. Thank you so much for sharing!
Random acts of kindness are so wonderful for both the recipient and the person doing them.
Yup! They really are Cindy.
What a great idea and list!
Thanks so much Larissa!
Yes! If nothing else, be kind, and these suggestions of how to do just that are a great start!
You’re so right Suzan! Thanks for reading!
Aww I love all of these ideas! It doesn’t take much to be kind and show appreciation. This is a good reminder of other ways we can practice kindness in practical ways.
Thank you Tiffany!
Great suggestions! We could all use a little more kindness. We could all be a little more kind to others, too! The world need more of it!