My Second Year Mom Blogging: Traffic, Income Report & More Revealed

by Chelsea K. Baxter
A photo of a computer with a the mama has her mindful mom blog open on the screen, and a pencil, pad of paper, and mug next to the laptop.

After two years of growing Mama Has Her Mindful, when I tell people I blog, I’m still often met with an awkward pause while the person wraps their head around blogging. 

And then once they’ve processed it, I get reactions like:

Wait. Did you say you blog?

Why are you doing that?

Does anyone actually read it?

Does it make any money?

And finally, Why don’t you start a YouTube channel?

Many of these questions were the same ones I heard a year ago, and I shared them on my blog’s first anniversary.

I also set some pretty steep goals for myself a year ago. 

In this post, I’m taking a timeout from my regular content to reflect on how it’s going. 

This post is mostly for me. But judging from the reactions to my first anniversary blog post from my fellow friends in blogging, this post may be for them, too. 

I enjoy reading “how it’s going” posts from other bloggers, so hopefully, you’ll find this post as informational and entertaining as I’ve found similar posts to be. 

I’ll cover:

  • My blog’s traffic
  • My blogging income report
  • My blog’s social media following
  • My goals from last year (and whether or not I met them!)
  • And what’s to come next year

As a reminder, I started Mama Has Her Mindful on my birthday two years ago. So every year I celebrate my birthday (this year it was my 40th!), I also celebrate my blog. 

So grab your favorite (plant-based) sweet treat and bubbly beverage and let’s kick off this party!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, I may earn a commission at no cost to you. Thanks for the support!

Try the meals our family started with!

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    Does anyone read your vegan mom blog?

    As a writer, I always ask myself this question. And it’s one of the reasons why I spend time researching keywords related to what readers want to learn about before I write my posts. 

    Readers have to find my information in order to read it, right?

    So let’s look at my blog traffic.

    Blog traffic terms

    First, let me explain some terms so we’re all on the same page understanding this information. 

    User: The number of people who have initiated at least one session on the website during the date range specified. (Therefore this number is usually lower than other terms.)

    Pageviews: The number of times a page (or post) is loaded (or seen). Repeated views of a page (or post) are counted. 

    Sessions: A session equals a visit to your site. So, when you visit my site and view several pages or posts, it counts as one session. If you come back to view the site a few hours later, it’s a new session. Since you may view several pages in one session, this number is usually lower than pageviews.

    Unique Pageviews: This is the number of times a page or post is seen, minus any duplicate pages/posts seen by the same person during the same session. This value is lower than pageviews but higher than sessions. 

    To sum up with an example: If you came to my site and looked at page 1 three times and page 2 once, it would be counted as 4 pageviews, 2 unique page views, 1 session, and 1 user. 

    Here’s a look at my blog traffic in June 2022:

    • Users: 3,098
    • Pageviews: 5,738
    • Unique Pageviews: 3,698
    • Sessions: 3,581
    A screenshot of Google analytics showing users, sessions, and pageviews for mama has her mindful dot com for July 2022
    My blogging traffic for June 2022

    My year 2 blogging traffic

    Now that we have those terms in our vocabulary, let’s discover how I did in my second year of blogging. 

    Here are my pageviews in Google Analytics from July 1, 2021 (one year ago) to June 30, 2022 (one year later). 

    • Unique Pageviews: 39,288
    • Pageviews: 55,136

    Those spikes in pageviews you see below seemed to happen when a post was timely (like my going back to school mindfully when students went back to school, my vegan food at Disneyland when Disney opened up in California after the pandemic, or my list of Father’s Day gifts in June).

    A screenshot of Google analytics showing pageviews for mama has her mindful dot com during Jul 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2022
    Here are my pageviews for last year.

    And here’s a comparison between my first year blogging (June 29, 2020 to July 1, 2021 in orange) and my second year blogging (July 1, 2021 to July 1, 2022 in blue). 

    A screenshot showing unique pageviews for the mom blog mama has her mindful dot com for July 1, 2021-July 1, 2022 versus June 29, 2020 to July 1, 2021.
    Here’s a traffic comparison between my first year blogging and my second year blogging. Thankful for the growth!

    As you guys may remember from my Spring Blogging Update, I haven’t posted much lately due to family commitments. 

    So I’m honestly thrilled to see my numbers improve over the last year. My pageviews increased by about 124% and my unique pageviews increased by almost 125%.

    How people find my blog

    It’s great that people are reading.


    Readers need to find my blog in order to read it. And while some bloggers find the majority of their traffic comes from sources like Pinterest, for the second year in a row, most of my traffic comes from Google.

    This is awesome because, with over 86% of the search market share, Google is definitely the most popular way to search for information. 

    To help you understand the next graphic, let me define a few terms so you can better understand how my mom blog performs on Google. 

    Total Clicks: This is how many times a user clicked through to my blog.

    Total Impressions: This is how many times a user saw a link to my blog in search results. 

    Average CTR: This is the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click. (From the research I’ve done, the average CTR for all industries is around 1.91%, but that’s likely based on weekly or monthly data, whereas the stats I have below are based on annual data.)

    Average Position: This is the average position your site appears in search results.

    Here’s my annual data (compared to last year). 

    A screenshot showing total clicks and total impressions for mama has her mindful dot com during Jul 1, 2021 - Ju1 1, 2022
    Here’s how I did July 2021 through July 2022.👆
    Google Search Console results for Mama Has Her Mindful of clicks, impressions, average CTR and average position
    Here’s how my blog did from June 2020 through July 2021.👆

    While it’s awesome my total clicks and total impressions soared above last year’s numbers, my CTR and Position dropped. That may be because I have more posts on my site than I did a year ago, but I’m not sure. 

    How my blog performs in Google Search Results

    The real goal though is to appear on page 1 of Google Search Results. And out of my 67 posts, I’ve done it! Last year I had 4 blog posts that appeared on page 1. This year, I have 10! 

    This fluctuates but here are the posts that took turns being on page 1 this year according to my Google Search Console reports:

    Does this mean I’ve made it and I can sit back and let the traffic flow?


    On the contrary!

    It means I need to keep writing content that supports these posts so they stay on the first page of Googe Search Results because nothing is guaranteed. Just because they’re on page 1 today doesn’t mean they’ll be there tomorrow.

    So, to conclude this section on traffic: Does anyone read this blog? YES!

    A screenshot of page one of two Google search results with a post from Mama Has Her Mindful mom blog in the results list
    Two examples of Mama Has Her Mindful posts appearing on page one of Google’s search results.

    Do you make money blogging?

    Here’s the question you all want an answer to. (Especially if you’re a blogger!)

    Did I make money this year?


    Did it offset my expenses?

    Weeeeeeell…. Let’s take a look.

    My second year blogging expenses

    When I started, I assumed, like many new bloggers, that there were no costs involved in blogging. That writing on the internet was free. And while that is possible, I can’t deny that some costs make blogging more seamless. Here are some of those costs.

    • Termly (legal stuff): $120
    • Bluehost hosting: $30
    • Physical mailbox: $60
    • Social Warefare (social media connection): $20
    • Instagram support membership (helping me stay mindful on social media): $270
    • Themeforest Support (customer support for my blog theme): $40
    • Lightroom filters (presets so my photos look consistent): $20
    • Blogging conference: $50
    • Blogging courses: $150
    • Vegan event: $60
    • Canva (graphics): $120 

    So my total expenses from July 2021-June 2022 were $940.
    Note, this is about $500 less than my first year of blogging. The longer I do this, the more I know what expenses are more wants than needs.

    My second year blogging income

    Ok, now let’s talk about my income for this vegan mom blog. Like last year, there isn’t much, but I’m proud it’s growing!

    • Amazon Associate: $50
    • Ad Revenue: $140
    • Blogging Challenge Winner: $60

    My total income for July 2021-June 2022 was: $250

    While it’s more than last year, I’m still in the negative $690. That’s less than half of what it was last year, so I’m getting better! But the goal is to make a profit. Heck, I’d be thrilled to break even!

    Why I didn’t make a profit in year 2 of mom blogging

    Can you make money blogging? 

    Yes. I believe that more now than I did when I started developing this blog in 2019. 

    Probably because I have a clearer picture of how I want to make money blogging moving forward. And why I didn’t make as much money this year as I would have liked. 

    Let me explain.

    1. Coming out of the pandemic, I was optimistic about having more time to write. My two older kids went back to school and my youngest started in-person preschool. However, I grossly overestimated my availability. With the return to school after over a year of distance learning and homeschooling, staying home due to sickness was rampant. Leaving me without solo time to write. 
    2. There are many opportunities for affiliate income and sponsored posts. However, it takes time to search for them, negotiate terms for the work, and then complete the work. I struggled to keep up on leads and communication.
    3. I didn’t put as many ads on my site as I could have because I’m still in the testing phase to see how I like having ads on my site.
    4. I left opportunities like starting a YouTube channel, selling products, offering coaching services, and more, untouched. I didn’t foresee a way to dedicate myself to those revenue streams.

    So, did I make a profit?


    Can I make a profit in the future? 

    I think so.

    Upon writing this, I’m realizing what the blog earns now. Veteran bloggers told me this was a long road. And I see why. 

    Last year I didn’t have ad revenue and I made $10 in affiliate income. To see my work paying off, albeit slowly, is immensely rewarding. 

    A photo of a laptop keyboard next to fresh flowers, a notepad and pen on a desk. Text over the image reads: Here's What Two Years of Mom Blogging Really Looks Like: income, traffic, and more. The URL is also listed: mama has her mindful dot com.

    Is your social media following boosting your blog traffic?

    I’m still trying to figure that out. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are funneling traffic towards my blog. But not much. 

    Pinterest, which is arguably more of a search engine than a social media platform, sends the most traffic to Mama Has Her Mindful next to Google. 

    While limited traffic comes my way from major social media platforms, I still put energy into maintaining a following on all of them. 

    Partly because many sponsored post opportunities can be found via platforms like Instagram. 

    But mainly because I’ve found blogging, mental health, vegan, and parenting support groups on all of the platforms. And that support is a critical ingredient in keeping me motivated. 

    But since so many bloggers are curious about social media growth, let’s take a look at mine.

    My friends and followers

    Let’s compare where we’re at now to where we were on July 1, 2021: 

    • Facebook: 748 followers (July 2021: 157 followers)
    • Twitter: 396 followers (July 2021: 239 followers)
    • Pinterest: 657 followers, 27K monthly views (July 2021: 459 followers, 27K monthly views)
    • Instagram: 1,834 followers (July 2021: 1,277 followers)
    • LinkedIn: 163 connections (July 2021: 144 connections)
    • Email List Subscribers: 123 subscribers (July 2021: 78 subscribers)

    👆If you’re not following me yet, please click through and say hi so we can connect!

    👇If you aren’t subscribed to my email list, you can sign up below and get the latest mindful living and plant-based eating tips!👇👇👇

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      My online support

      One of the best perks of blogging is the opportunity to assemble a support network. Be it dedicated bloggers, encouraging vegans, compassionate parents, or mindful humans. I’ve found much of that online. 

      Here are some people I go to and places I hang out at to get loved up and/or inspired:

      Facebook Groups:


      My reservations about social media

      Is social media helpful (and necessary) to grow your blog? 


      But does engaging on social media come at a cost?

      For me? Definitely.

      Honestly, the obligation to post routinely, share my personal experiences, and grow my following on social media is the biggest energy suck for this introvert. 

      It’s so draining that I contemplate if continuing to blog is for me. 

      So what happens when you dread posting online? 

      Are apprehensive about sharing your family with the world? 

      Feel the need to connect with people in a digital capacity at the cost of experiencing the people who are physically in front of you?

      Well, frankly, you reconsider if blogging is for you.

      But, before I go down that rabbit hole, let’s check this out. 👇

      Do you set blogging goals?

      Dang, right I do! Let’s see if I met my blogging goals from last year and what goals I want to set for next year.

      A look back: Last year’s blogging goals

      Here are the goals I set for the blog last year, with either a ✅ emoji if I met the goal or a 🚫 emoji if I didn’t. 

      Blogging Traffic Goals:

      • 10,000 pageviews per month 🚫 *I was around 5,700 in June 2022.
      • 50K monthly views on Pinterest 🚫 *Pinterest’s algorithm is still confusing.
      • 6 blog posts on page 1 of Google Search Engine Results Page ✅ *I had 10!

      Blogging Income Goals:

      • Book one sponsored post ✅ *I wasn’t paid monetarily, but I received a free product for two posts with Javy Coffee.
      • Discover more affiliate income opportunities 🚫 *Amazon continues to be the main affiliate I receive payment from.
      • Consider selling a product ✅ *Technically, yes, I’ve considered it.
      • Make enough to cover my expenses 🚫 *I was about $600 short this year.

      Blogging Social Media Goals:

      • Interact more purposefully on social media ✅ *I’ve done this but it’s been mentally exhausting.
      • Double my followers on all accounts 🚫 *I’m close! My total number of followers last year was 2,399. This year it’s 3,921.

      Creativity Goals:

      • Start a YouTube Channel 🚫 *I’m still debating this.
      • Research TikTok 🚫 *With my disinterest in spending more time on social media I haven’t looked into this. 
      • Create 2 new opt-ins for email subscribers ✅ *I created 1 new one and updated older ones, so it’s close enough. Check out my thankfulness craft freebie.

      New Connections and Friendship Goals:

      • Attend one blogging conference ✅ *I purchased the tickets and it was postponed until this fall, so I’m giving myself this one!
      • Do one podcast interview 🚫 *I didn’t go looking for this either.
      • Meet 2-3 new blogging friends ✅ *With my main blogging group closing, and a new one starting up, I’ve made more than 3!

      A look ahead: Next year’s blogging goals

      My goals for next year are different from last year. Mostly because I’m in the discernment process on a few things. So, here goes…

      Blog Traffic Goals:

      • 6,000 monthly pageviews
      • Maintain 10 blog posts on page 1 of Google search results
      • 30K monthly views on Pinterest

      Blogging Income Goals:

      • Double affiliate income 
      • Double ad revenue
      • Make enough to cover my blogging expenses

      Blogging Social Media Goals:

      • Build meaningful connections on social media.
      • Feel inspired to create content to help others.

      Creativity Goals:

      • Design a printable.
      • Post at least once a month.

      Personal Goals:

      • Keep writing.
      • Consume content that motivates me to create.

      Do those goals look a bit different from last year? Here’s why…

      Conclusion: Will you continue blogging?

      Have you ever reflected on a job you did? 

      And realized you did better than you expected?

      Felt your chest swell with pride? 

      Noticed your confidence grow?

      That’s how I feel as a write this post on my second year of blogging. Even though I worked hard, I guess I didn’t expect myself to do this well. 

      I know I didn’t make an income fancy enough to flaunt all over this post. 


      More people saw my content than they did last year. And getting a message out about living mindfully was always the purpose. As was fulfilling my need to write. 

      Those goals were met. And arguably exceeded. 

      So what’s next? 

      At this point, I sense the need to take a slight break while I work on another project. I’ve shared with you all that I’ll be posting less while I enjoy this time with my kids before school starts. 

      But after that, I feel a calling to devote time to something else. 

      I’m not sure if it’s tied to me turning 40 this year and feeling the need to try something I’ve always wanted to do but haven’t yet. I’m not sure yet if what’s next will be in tandem with this blog or pull in front of it for a while. 

      But you can rest assured I’ll still be here. I’ll keep you informed. And I’ll keep writing. 

      Cheers to year two!

      Stay mindful, even when your mind is full,

      A photo of a computer with a the mama has her mindful blog open on the screen, and a pencil, pad of paper, and mug next to the laptop. The words over the image read: Mama Has Her Mindful; My Second Year Mom Blogging - Traffic, Income Report, & More Revealed; and the URL is listed as mama has her mindful dot com.

      Try the meals our family started with!

        We won't spam you, promise. Unsubscribe at any time.

        My Second Year Mom Blogging: Traffic, Income Report & More RevealedMy Second Year Mom Blogging: Traffic, Income Report & More Revealed

        Leave a Comment


        Susan Koch July 11, 2022 - 3:40 am

        Congratulations…moving ahead. Long live The Queen of Blogging!

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 13, 2022 - 10:13 pm

        Lol thank you Sue!

        Tammy Horvath July 11, 2022 - 10:18 am

        Wow. You are coming along in your blogging and social media. Some days I feel like giving up. But you’ve motivated me to keep trying for at least one more year. Thanks, and God bless.

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 13, 2022 - 10:13 pm

        Aw thank you Tammy! It sounds like your book is doing amazing things! And I’m sure readers visit your blog to see what else you’re writing. 🙂

        Keirsten July 11, 2022 - 3:50 pm

        Such a great & informative post! You are doing so well Chelsea. So many of us are in this same boat.
        I think blogging is like anything, if you’re not able to make it your full time thing, then it’s going to take longer to grow and develop. And that’s ok! Because while you might not have the time for it everyday all day, down the road you might. And it will already be there and going for you to take it even further.
        I am excited to see what you get up to and I am very optimistic that your blog will do wonderful things. Thanks for sharing with us all & thank you for including my little blog & vegan blog share.
        Happy 2 year Blogiversary & your 40th. My hubs turns 40 this year too. So exciting!!!

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 13, 2022 - 10:12 pm

        Thank you for the encouragement Keirsten! I’m thankful to have a fellow blogger like you alongside me on this journey. 🙂

        Suzan July 12, 2022 - 5:43 am

        Great goals and growth for the second year blogging! Keep up the great work!!

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 12, 2022 - 9:58 pm

        Thanks Suzan!

        Kristen Allred July 12, 2022 - 9:27 am

        Thanks for these transparent numbers about blogging. I totally get the frustration of having friends not really understanding what you are doing with your blogging career. LOL. It’s so much work and commitment, but I admire your goals and determination. It looks like you are growing in the right direction.

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 12, 2022 - 9:57 pm

        Thanks Kristen! I can’t believe it’s been two years. Although it’s been hard work, it’s definitely been something I enjoyed!

        Megan July 12, 2022 - 9:42 am

        Thank you for sharing this honest post about blogging traffic and income! It can be discouraging when ALL I see is “I made 10k the first year!” and I truly don’t think that is completely honest or typical. I love seeing others going on this journey. And I too have a hard time sharing my family with the world! I like to keep many things private, but really enjoy sharing info and experiences!

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 12, 2022 - 9:55 pm

        Thanks Megan! I love watching your family experience so many fun things! But I’m glad to know I’m not the only one hesitating on how much to share on social media. And I whole-heartedly agree with you on seeing many other blogger’s income reports. It can be SO disillusioning when it feels like all the other bloggers out there are crushing it and I don’t have it figured out yet. But, I’m trying to enjoy the journey. And remind myself that this blog was an experiment to begin with. I didn’t start it to make a bunch of money. Although, the extra income is definitely a perk!

        Alicia July 12, 2022 - 11:47 am

        Wow, you set some lofty goals last year for your second year of blogging! I love it! You’ve come so far, and I have no doubt that you will go even further this coming year! Your post made me smile when I thought about the first time one of my blog posts made the first page of a Google search. That’s a huge milestone!

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 12, 2022 - 9:51 pm

        Thank you Alicia! Doesn’t it feel amazing when that happens!? I get the email from the keyword/SEO company I use that my post has moved up on Google’s search results, and I get so giddy!

        Cindy Moore July 12, 2022 - 2:44 pm

        Thank you for sharing so openly about your blogging journey! I love reading about other bloggers’ experiences. I think you are doing GREAT! I’ve been blogging for 8+ years now and didn’t even think about monetizing until five years ago. It’s slow work that builds steadily. On the other hand, I’m a huge proponent of following your heart. So do what YOU most love to do and share in the way that feels best to you.

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 12, 2022 - 9:49 pm

        Aw thank you, Cindy! Thank you for reading! I’m excited to see what’s next. 🙂

        Barbara July 13, 2022 - 5:28 am

        Your honest experience shared is much appreciated. Mom’s work so hard with emotional love as payment for their toils! Hang in there!

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 13, 2022 - 10:11 pm

        Thank you Barbara!

        anglophonic July 13, 2022 - 12:49 pm

        Happy birthday and happy 2nd year blogging anniversary! I loved reading about your 2 years of blogging, it gave me more courage. I hope one day you’ll make more income!

        Christine July 13, 2022 - 1:08 pm

        This is super helpful and informative for us newer bloggers!

        Meghan July 13, 2022 - 11:17 pm

        Congratulations on 2 years! And thank you for being transparent and sharing your experience!

        The Piddler July 14, 2022 - 9:08 am

        Congratulations! Loved reading this post! It gives me hope and inspiration for my own blogging journey!

        Stacey Billingsley July 14, 2022 - 3:30 pm

        Congrats on your bloggerversary! I can relate to a lot that you said, for sure. Pinterest is also my best source of traffic. I wasn’t sure about ads either, so I didn’t add them until fairly recently, and even then, I didn’t put them everywhere. I don’t know if I’ll ever be “profitable,” but I like writing and growing the blog. I have five years in, so I figure I’ll keep doing it as long as I enjoy it. I don’t do a lot of the things I’m “supposed” to do to make money, so I guess I can say that it’s not a huge priority. Still, I have some ads and affiliate links. I guess, for now, I’m still in a “we’ll see how it goes” kind of mode while I try to balance the rest of my life–lol!

        Chelsea K. Baxter July 18, 2022 - 8:19 am

        I definitely feel like blogging is a long-term thing. I love looking back and seeing what I wrote about over the past two years. I can’t imagine five! Congrats to you! That is impressive! Thank you for sharing your story!

        Tiffany July 15, 2022 - 4:16 pm

        Happy 2nd year blogging anniversary!!! What great growth! This past year we also had things come up that didn’t allow me to work as much as I wanted on mine. Life, huh? You are doing great!!! I appreciate seeing a realistic account. Look forward to seeing what’s next 🙂

        Karen July 15, 2022 - 7:23 pm

        Awesome resource for those wanting authentic insights into blogging. Sharing your two years of experience, income, and traffic as a mommy blogger is so valuable. Great job!

        Lisa Manderino July 16, 2022 - 3:52 pm

        Blogging is so much work! Keep it growing your doing great!

        Whitney July 18, 2022 - 4:00 am

        Wow that’s a lot of growth for your only your second year blogging! Wow I’m impressed! Congrats!


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