My First Year Mom Blogging: Income, Traffic & More Revealed

by Chelsea K. Baxter
An image of a woman who is blogging is sitting at her laptop, smiling at the camera with flowers in the foreground and a chalkboard in the background that says "No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted"

After a year of blogging, I’ve heard it all. 

Why are you blogging?

Do people actually read your posts?

How long do you plan to write for this blog?

And the kicker: Do you make money from blogging? 

When I started out, these were the questions I asked. And when I meet other bloggers, this is the info I want to know. However, many bloggers—myself included—are hesitant to share.

Although I started Mama Has Her Mindful on June 29, 2019 (my birthday), I spent a year writing posts and figuring out the technical side of things before she went live one year later on June 29, 2020! 

So, on her first birthday, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all the readers. 

But I also thought I’d get vulnerable and honest with some realistic deets of starting a blog. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at what my first year of part-time mom blogging was actually like. And, what possibilities lay ahead.

Cue the birthday song and grab a slice of (plant-based) cake and let’s start the party!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, I may earn a commission at no cost to you. Thanks for the support!

Why Did You Start a Blog?

Mom blogging—and blogging in general—isn’t what it used to be. I wanted to start a blog back in 2010 when I had my first baby. 

Back then, the blog posts I read were about personal experiences (moms sharing their stories about life with kids). While that’s still done, most blogs nowadays are niche specific and help the reader to accomplish a goal, learn something new or solve a problem.

So my reasons for starting a blog in 2020 were slightly different than they were in 2010. I was more focused and purposeful when starting Mama Has Her Mindful. These were my goals.

1. Showcase My Work

Blogging showcases your work as a writer, editor, creator, designer and artist. In 2003 I was an editor for a large publishing house and in 2008 I decided to become a freelance writer and editor. 

Three children later, my freelance work was slow. In an effort to start it up again, I wanted to create an example of my work. While I have a website for my business, this blog would act as a living portfolio.

2. Support Other Parents

As a new parent in 2010, my mind was so FULL with everything I needed to learn to take care of tiny humans—it was overwhelming. Thus came the name “Mama Has Her MindFULL” one night as I rocked my first born to sleep. 

But in 2020, after suffering two miscarriages which triggered PTSD, depression, and anxiety, learning how to be mindful and practice mindfulness changed my life. I want to help other busy parents do the same. So, I dropped one “L” from the title and it became “Mama Has Her MindFUL.”

3. Change the World

I think we all hope our lives positively impact the world around us, right? I saw blogging as an opportunity to reach more people than those in my in-person social circles. 

While my initial intent was to spread info on mindful living, after our family decided to go plant-based and vegan, my desire to spread messages of compassion, healing and awareness to families only increased.

And in my first year blogging, I’m pleased to say, I’ve accomplished all of these goals. And next year, I hope to do the same. 

RELATED: I go into more detail about why I started a blog in these posts:
Welcome to Mama Has Her Mindful
About Me

Pin for Pinterest with a chair at a desk with a keyboard, coffee cup and journal on top and plants in the foreground. The text over the image says Here's What One Year Of Blogging Really Looks Like - income, traffic and more and the url mama has her mindful dot com is listed.
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Do People Read Your Mom Blog?

Admittedly, this is a question every writer worries about. Thankfully, with blogging, there’s a way of measuring your analytics to see what posts readers gravitate to most. 

When I started this blog, I installed Google Analytics so I could track progress and Google Search Console to monitor how well my blog performs in Google’s search results. 

This helps me see how often my blog is seen, which posts are the most popular, and in short—if people are reading my blog!

Blog Traffic Terms

Before I share my blog traffic stats, let me clarify a few things for any readers who aren’t bloggers. 

User: This is the number of people who visit the site and is therefore usually lower than the other terms.

Pageviews: This is the number of times a page (or post) is loaded (or seen).

Sessions: A session equals a visit to your site. So, when you visit my site and look at several pages or posts, it counts as one session. If you come back to view the site a few hours later, it’s a new session. Since you may look at several pages in one session, this number is usually lower than pageviews.

Unique Pageviews: This is the number of times a page or post is seen, minus any duplicate pages/posts seen by the same person during the same session. This value is lower than pageviews but higher than sessions. Here’s why: If you came to my site and looked at page 1 three times and page 2 once, it would be counted as 4 pageviews, 2 unique page views, 1 session and 1 user. 

Here’s a look at my May 2021 blogging traffic:

  • Users: 2,521
  • Pageviews: 5,457
  • Unique Pageviews: 3,537
  • Sessions: 3,357
Screen cap of Mama Has Her Mindful's blog traffic that shows users, sessions, pageviews, new users, number of sessions per use and pages/session
This is my blogging traffic for May 2021.

My Traffic After One Year of Blogging

With those terms in mind, let’s take a look at how I did over the first year blogging.

Here’s my pageviews in Google Analytics from June 29, 2020 (when I sent live) to June 26, 2021 (almost one year later). 

  • Unique Pageviews: 16,869
  • Pageviews: 23,705

You’ll also notice spikes in pageviews from time to time. For me, this happened when a post was timely (like my vegan quiche around Easter or coping with anxiety during a pandemic).

Google Analytics for first year of blogging traffic for Mama Has Her Mindful.
Here is my unique pageviews for one full year. In February my Google Search Console and Google Analytics was disconnected for some reason, so there are no results during that time.

And here’s a comparison between my first month blogging (July 2020 in orange) and the most recent full month (May 2021 in blue). 

The early spike in July 2020 is due to the recent launch of the blog and a lot of family and friends checking it out for the first time. 

I’m pumped to see growth overall! In one year, my pageviews increased by about 240% and my unique pageviews increased by almost 200%.

A screenshot of Google analytics showing unique pageviews for mama has her mindful dot com during May 1, 2021 - May 31, 2021 compared to July 1, 2020 - July 31, 2020.
Here’s a traffic comparison from my first full month blogging and my most recent month blogging. Thankful for the growth!

How My Mom Blog Performs in Google Search Results

While all those stats are great, I still need people to FIND my blog posts. One way is through social media, which I do. But let’s be honest, when most of us search for an answer to a problem, we use Google.

Before I show you how my mom blog performs on Google, let’s go over a few terms from the graph below.

Total Clicks: This is how many times a user clicked through to my blog.

Total Impressions: This is how many times a user saw a link to my blog in search results. 

Average CTR: This is the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click. (From the research I’ve done, the average CTR for all industries is around 1.91%, but that’s likely based on weekly or monthly data, whereas the stats I have below are based on annual data.)

Average Position: This is the average position your site appears in search results.

Now that that’s out of the way, here’s a look at my annual data (so you can see the improvement from when Mama Has Her Mindful started to now). 

Google Search Console results for Mama Has Her Mindful of clicks, impressions, average CTR and average position
A look at my Google Search performance during my first year blogging.

While this is great, the goal is to appear as high as possible on Google’s Search Engine Results Page. (The page that appears after you type something into Google.) 

And with only 10 results listed on the first page, and about 7 million blog posts published every day, getting on that first page is seriously challenging. 

But I’ve done it! Out of my 47 published posts, I’ve had four appear on page one of Google’s search results. This is something that fluctuates, and you have to work to keep posts on page one, but seeing these results is definitely a high point! Here are those four posts:

So, is the point of this to brag about my traffic? Heck no! 

The point is to be transparent, honest, and to answer legitimate questions that even I have when I read blogs (including my own)! 

But truthfully, I’d be lying if I said my heart wasn’t swelling with pride right now. Data doesn’t lie. And seeing stats like these is definitely a confidence booster.

So, when people ask me, “Does anyone read your mom blog?” the answer is YES!

Two examples of mama has her mindful posts appear on the first page of Google Search Results.
Two examples of Mama Has Her Mindful posts appearing on page one of Google’s search results.

Do You Make Money From Blogging?

Let’s move onto the question all of us bloggers want to compare notes on, all of us readers are too embarrassed to ask, and any potential bloggers need an answer to.

Can you make money from blogging??


Did I?

Nope. Well, not more than my expenses.

Why not? 

There’s a few factors, but first, let’s take a look at my income and expenses after one year of blogging.

My First Year Blogging Expenses

Blogging isn’t free, at least not if you have sights set on making money eventually. Some costs can’t be avoided, like hosting and domain name renewal fees, but others are optional. While the free versions of plugins, apps and software used are great, I found life was easier with the paid upgrade. So, here are my expenses. 

  • Bluehost hosting: $30
  • Social Warfare: $30
  • Mailbox: $60
  • Sem Rush keyword research: $400
  • Ubersuggest keyword research (one time fee): $290
  • Canva (annual fee): $120
  • Courses: $250
  • Instagram Support Group: $160
  • Termly (legal stuff): $120

Total: $1,460

A note about my expenses: I did NOT need to spend this much. 

But, I enjoy blogging, so most of these costs were worth it. And, looking at my blog’s traffic results after one year, paying for keyword research programs like Sem Rush and Ubersuggest are paying off.

My First Year Blogging Income

Let’s look at my income next. There isn’t much of it. LOL! I’ll explain why in a sec. 

  • Won free courses: $200
  • Amazon Associate: $14

Total: $214

So, after the money I brought in, I’m negative $1,246. 

Now, I know what you’re thinking. 

Why the heck are you still doing this? So many bloggers boast about making tens of thousands of dollars online in their first year. 

Why the heck would I reveal that I was in the negative??

Well, for one, this is a realistic look at what my first year of blogging was like. Not everyone makes thousands of dollars year one.

And since I’m in it for the long haul, I had other goals in mind when I started blogging a year ago. Let me explain.

Why I Didn’t Make a Profit Blogging

Do I think I could have made more money blogging? Absolutely. But, these things were a priority for me:

  • When I started my blog back in 2019, I didn’t foresee a pandemic. Having three kids home when I thought I’d have a couple of hours a week to work on the blog delayed some growth (and possibly income).
  • I focused my efforts on one thing at a time so I could dive deep into a new skill. Getting the technical side down was the first, writing attention-grabbing blog posts was the second, and increasing traffic was the third. Monetizing is next!
  • I chose not to run ads on my site for fear they’d be distracting. (Let me know in the comments below what your thoughts on ads are.) 
  • I waited 6 months after my blog was up and running before I became an Amazon Associate. (In case you don’t know what this is, I may earn a commission anytime someone clicks one of my Amazon links and then makes a purchase on Amazon. If you do that, thanks for your support!)

So, to recap: Can you make money blogging? Yes! Did I make a profit? No. But one of my goals for next year is developing a monetization strategy. Whenever I see growth, I’m happy!

Is Blogging a Lonely Business?

Surprisingly, no. I thought it would be. (And the introvert in me didn’t mind if it was.)

But, honestly, you need fellow bloggers to succeed at this game.

In my first year of blogging, I’ve met so many new people who inspire my creativity every day.

Let me explain.

Followers Can Be Friends

Social media is the most exhausting part of blogging, at least for me. I wasn’t on social media much before starting a blog, so this is an area I have to work at.

But I have to admit, I’ve connected with some awesome people through social media. And after one year of blogging, all of Mama Has Her Mindful’s accounts have grown. 

Another set of followers that are the closest to my content are all of you subscribers out there. You are notified as soon as anything new happens.

Let’s compare where we’re at now to where we were on July 1, 2020: 

  • Facebook: 157 followers (July 2020: 3 followers)
  • Twitter: 239 followers (July 2020: 3 followers)
  • Pinterest: 459 followers, 27K monthly views (July 2020: 222 followers, 5K monthly views)
  • Instagram: 1,277 followers (July 2020: 23 followers)
  • LinkedIn: 144 connections
  • Email List Subscribers: 78 (July 2020: 10 followers)

👆If you’re not following me yet, please click through and say hi so we can connect!

👇If you’re not already subscribed to my email list, you can sign up below and get all the latest mindful living and plant-based eating tips!👇👇👇

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    Connections Help You Succeed

    No, I’m not only measuring “success” as earning money. Success in blogging can also mean increased traffic, content ideas and collaborations, shared networks, and moral support.

    Here are some of my favorite groups and accounts I’ve connected with in my first year of blogging:

    Here are some bloggers who keep sending positive vibes my way and are a frequent source of inspiration:

    I also was interviewed on the Bowl of Life Podcast, which was a new experience for me, but something I’d love to do more of. 

    And I got a lot out of Shiftcon, a virtual blogging conference I attended in 2020.

    Without these groups and special people, blogging would be lonely and I don’t think I’d be where I am today.

    Contemplating Starting a Blog?

    Do you have a story to tell?

    A special gift others would benefit knowing about?

    Or maybe you love to write and want a creative outlet? 

    Or, like me, you want to further publicize your business or services?

    A blog is a fantastic way to do all of the above.

    Oh, and remember one of my “whys” I mentioned earlier: When you start a blog, you can change the world!

    Your voice, message and gifts can positively impact the world when you share it with a larger audience.

    If you’ve ever thought about starting a blog, consider beginning here. This is where I started and it seriously streamlined the process.

    Disclosure: (Update as of June 2022) All links to It’s a Lovely Life in this post were affiliate links, which means if you clicked through and made a purchase, I received a commission on the purchase with no cost to you. I took these courses and LOVED them. I wouldn’t refer them to readers if that wasn’t the case! But in May 2022, the It’s a Lovely Life team decided to close their courses. They say another project is on the horizon but it’s unclear what that is as of June 2022.

    An image of a computer with other office supplies like a keyboard, headphones, mouse, phone, and the words Start a Blogging Business 5 Day Crash Course
    Start a Blogging Business 5-Day Crash Course by It’s A Lovely Life is no longer available.

    The 5-Day Email Crash Course to Start a Blogging Business by Heather and Pete Reese at It’s a Lovely Life walked me through all the steps I needed to launch my blog.

    Once I launched my blog, I loved the step-by-step information from Pete and Heather so much, I splurged in 2019 and purchased their Blogging Blastoff Course—A month-long blogging course that took care of all the details I needed to get up and running. 

    AND to ensure success, the course included access to a VIP Facebook Group filled with other students so you can work together to share and discover each other’s content, furthering your exposure.

    An image for the Blogging Blastoff 2.0 course
    Blogging Blastoff 2.0

    In 2020, once I got settled into blogging and wanted to increase my traffic, I decided to learn more about search engine optimization (SEO) and enrolled in the 5-day SEO Blogging Bootcamp course. And since taking that course, my traffic has seen huge gains.

    A green background with the words SEO Blogger Bootcamp
    SEO Blogging Bootcamp

    Do you need to take a blogging course to get started? 


    Does it save you a ton of time researching every little step (and learning some steps you never knew existed)? 

    Heck yes.

    It’s a time saver and headache saver. Plus, it’s fun!

    But again, if you’re just starting out, go for a free course to get your feet wet!

    Will You Continue Blogging?

    Well, the good news is, I still love what I do! So I’m pretty sure that’s a sign to keep on doing it!

    With that said, I want to set some blogging goals for year two.

    Blogging Traffic Goals:

    • 10,000 pageviews per month (double this year’s)
    • 50K monthly views on Pinterest (Not sure this is possible with some of the algorithm changes on Pinterest, but here’s hoping.)
    • 6 blog posts on page 1 of Google Search Engine Results Page

    Blogging Income Goals:

    • Book one sponsored post
    • Discover more affiliate income opportunities
    • Consider selling a product
    • Make enough to cover my expenses

    Blogging Social Media Goals:

    • Interact more purposefully on social media
    • Double my followers on all accounts 

    Creativity Goals:

    • Start a YouTube Channel
    • Research TikTok (What do you think? Is it worth it guys?)
    • Create 2 new opt-ins for email subscribers

    New Connections and Friendship Goals:

    • Attend one blogging conference
    • Do one podcast interview
    • Meet 2-3 new blogging friends

    On my next blogging anniversary, I’ll refer back to these goals and see how I did! 

    Alright, let’s wrap up this behind-the-scenes look at my first year of mom blogging!

    Conclusion: Is Blogging Worth it? Did I Change the World?

    Imagine the warm, fuzzy feeling you’d get when someone tells you your post made them think.

    Encouraged them to assess.

    And motivated them to change.

    That actually happened! On multiple occasions!

    Readers have messaged me about trying plant-based diets after reading my posts on social media or the blog. 

    Parents have shared their success stories with using mindfulness to slow down their busy lives and be more present.

    Is that changing the world? 

    To me it is. 

    One reader at a time. 

    So, to all of you reading this and any other post on the blog: Thank you. Your motivation, encouragement and kindness keeps me creating. 

    Cheers to one year and many more.

    As always, stay mindful, even when your mind’s full,

    Pin for Pinterest of a mom blogger smiling at the camper while she sits at her laptop with the text A look at My First Year Mom Blogging, Income, Traffic, & more revealed and the URL mama has her mindful dot com is listed

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      My First Year Mom Blogging: Income, Traffic & More RevealedMy First Year Mom Blogging: Income, Traffic & More RevealedMy First Year Mom Blogging: Income, Traffic & More Revealed

      Leave a Comment


      Marianne June 28, 2021 - 7:21 am

      Awesome post! I think you are doing very well with only one year! I had a very slow start with my blog, but I am finally seeing a little momentum! Its hard… but very rewarding!

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:22 pm

      Thanks so much Marianne! I love reading your blog! You’re doing great! Looking forward to reading more from you in the years ahead!

      Jennifer Goldman June 28, 2021 - 7:22 am

      You answered so many questions about blogging that I didn’t even know were in my head. The best part about it though was that it’s you! Your voice comes through loud and clear. It’s almost like we’re standing around the quad together chatting after the pledge of allegiance and morning announcements at school!

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:21 pm

      Aw thanks so much for reading the blog Jenny! I miss those mornings and can’t wait to be together again for those chats! I’ve had to work to find my voice in blogging, but the longer and more I do it, the more it comes out. 🙂

      Keirsten June 28, 2021 - 7:35 am

      Aww!!!!! Happy Blogaversary!!!
      You’ve done so well and it’s only going to grow more and more.
      So many great recommendations and insights as well.
      Thank you so much for sharing our blog share group and the shoutout. So happy we’ve connected through the blog world 🥰💜🥰

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:20 pm

      Aw thanks Keirsten! I love our blog share group! So much awesome support! I’m so thankful we found each other through blogging too!

      Alicia June 28, 2021 - 9:26 am

      This is so interesting! And I love that you have goals for year 2. I recently listened to a podcast on failing and how much it can be beneficial, because it forces you to be creative and try new things. With that, I’m setting some really lofty goals at the moment and actually hoping to fail at a few of them! Good for you for diving into blogging! It really is about being here for the long haul!

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:18 pm

      Aw thanks so much Alicia! I totally agree about failing. When I mess up, I can look at what needs to be done differently next time. 🙂 I’m still fine tuning so much of this blog and keep learning new things all the time!

      Cindy June 28, 2021 - 9:56 am

      Thanks for sharing. This is good information to have.

      Christina Siwik June 28, 2021 - 11:18 am

      You started your blog for much the same reason I started mine except I started mine to appeal to the more seasoned reader. I am glad you have stuck with it. I enjoyed this one especially.

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:17 pm

      Thanks Christina!

      danielle nieman June 28, 2021 - 11:23 am

      Thanks for being so honest and sharing your story! I started mine six months ago, and it’s nice to know there’s support out there from other bloggers navigating through the same things!

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:17 pm

      Congrats Danielle on 6 months! You’re doing great!

      Kristin June 28, 2021 - 11:35 am

      This is an amazing and transparent post. Thank you, Chelsea!! You are definitely achieving your goals and purpose. The stats are really helpful for newer bloggers like me as well. I can’t wait to see the growth you have ahead! Happy blog (and real) birthday!!

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:16 pm

      Aw thanks so much Kristin! That was my goal. I’m always curious how other bloggers are doing and want to see specifics. Heck, seeing Pete and Heather Reese’s income reports is what motivated me to finally start a blog!

      Terra Booth June 28, 2021 - 12:58 pm

      I love that you shared this! Sometimes when I am working away on my blog I look at the stats and have no idea how what I’m doing compares to other bloggers! I am only about two and a half months in since I first launched, and it is great to see what results look like after a year! As for TikTok…my daughter had been pushing me for a long time to join as it was! So I jumped on, and have been getting my 11 year old daughter to give me ideas and stay up on the trends! I’m still learning the platform though and how to direct people back to my blog from it.

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:15 pm

      Wow that’s awesome about TikTok Terra! I’ve heard it’s a great way to funnel traffic to a blog. We’ll see if that’s in the future for me! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. Thank so much for reading!

      Erik Temple June 28, 2021 - 3:29 pm

      Great content today. I like to learn about your growth as a blogger.
      No ads = good for me.
      Wishing you well in your pursuit as a fresh and creative blogger.

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:13 pm

      Lol thanks Erik! Thanks for reading and so glad you’re enjoying this.

      Stephanie Mathers June 28, 2021 - 9:01 pm

      Chelsea – This post officially made you my Blogger Shero! I love how you included all the data. It’s so encouraging to see how much you built in one year. And the triumph of Google’s Page 1 Search Results is REAL! I am definitely in the camp where I am still spending much more than I make, but I agree that when you love blogging you are building something whether you earn money or not. I love how you opened up the books on your blog for your post. I loved reading it, and I love your reasons for starting your blog. Thanks for the shout out too! 😀 Here’s to another year of even more blogging success.

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:13 pm

      Aw man Stephanie! Thank you SO much!! I’ve got tears in my eyes from your thoughtful and kind words. Means so much to me. That’s why we do this, right? To make a difference. Cheers to many more years writing and reading great content with each other!

      Danielle Ardizzone June 29, 2021 - 8:10 am

      Congratulations! These are big accomplishments – you should be proud!

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:10 pm

      Thanks Danielle!

      Tiffany Smith June 29, 2021 - 9:27 am

      Congrats!!! Its great looking over the graphs to see how far you’ve come in the first year! Love it 💜

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:10 pm

      Thanks Tiffany!

      Suzan June 29, 2021 - 12:58 pm

      Congrats on your first year! I’ve truly enjoyed your content and look forward to another year coming!

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 2:10 pm

      Thank you so much for the kind words Suzan! I’ve loved seeing your blog, too! Looking forward to more years sharing content with each other. 🙂

      Suz | June 29, 2021 - 2:13 pm

      Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! You’re doing great. I’m so appreciative to read a blog that doesn’t have a zillion ads and pop-ups; to me, they’re incredibly annoying, spammy, and off-putting. I don’t use them either. Hang tough!

      Chelsea K. Baxter June 29, 2021 - 3:59 pm

      Lol thanks Suz! I’m actually going to try them out for a bit, very conservatively, and see how it goes. If I don’t care for them, I’ll remove them. But I agree, it’s very distracting, so I want to be mindful of what ads I place on my blog!

      Sabrina DeWalt June 29, 2021 - 6:29 pm

      I have opted to not have ads as well. It might cause me to take longer to turn a profit, but not having them keeps my blog true to what I want.

      Mama Dani June 29, 2021 - 7:09 pm

      Congratulations!!! This is so encouraging!!

      Your blog has inspired me from day one of my own blogging journey, and I’ve enjoyed following your blog all along!

      Cheers, and good luck in your Year 2! I hope you get all the gains you’re looking for, and some extra surprising ones too! 🙂

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 7, 2021 - 2:21 pm

      Aw thank you so much Mama Dani! Your words mean so much to me! Thanks for following along!

      Diana June 30, 2021 - 4:27 am

      Wow, this is awesome!! Thanks for sharing your true-life experiences! I’m at roughly the 6-month point (I started mine last fall but didn’t really start focusing on it till 2021). Like a couple others on here, I don’t really have a good idea what comparable stats may look like. Thank you so much for the transparency and for being so brave as to share with us! Looks like you’re doing an amazing job! I enjoy reading your content! And I love how you have very specific goals for Year 2. Best of luck in completing every one!!

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 7, 2021 - 2:20 pm

      Thanks so much Diana for sharing! I agree, I’m always wondering how other bloggers are doing. And the only way to do that is share my own story so others feel comfortable opening up too!

      Alice July 4, 2021 - 6:03 pm

      Wow impressive stats. Mine are a lot lower but I don’t have anywhere near the costs you have. I enjoy reading your blog.

      Cindy Moore July 4, 2021 - 8:14 pm

      Congrats on completing your first year! Truly that’s an accomplishment. So many quit way before reaching the one year mark. I think you are awesome and doing very well! I’ve been blogging for eight years…and have two blogs. It’s an interesting journey full of learning opportunities!

      MsKorang July 5, 2021 - 6:13 am

      Congratulations Mama on your first year blogging! Keep the fire burning

      Nicole July 7, 2021 - 8:22 am

      Great article, very honest & helpful for new bloggers, ty for sharing such personal information !

      Lyndsey Grantham July 7, 2021 - 9:13 am

      First of all, congratulations on your articles making it on the first page of Google search results! That’s huge. Second, I’m right there with you on why I still blog, even though I’m not making a profit yet. I feel that by sharing my experiences, I can help others in some way. Also, I feel my blog serves as sort of a journal and is quite therapeutic. Keep chugging along; I think you’re doing great!

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 7, 2021 - 2:15 pm

      Thanks Lyndsey! I was pretty pumped with the traffic results this year. And you’re so right! Sharing your experiences through blogging totally help others! Keep it up!

      Marion Freyburger July 7, 2021 - 10:07 am

      All I can say is wow!!!. Your information is great. I will be following you. I started on the blogging journey about 4 months ago and I have to say I am struggling but in just this 1 post you have given me inspiration and am going to do what it takes.

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 7, 2021 - 2:14 pm

      Thanks Marion and congrats on 4 months of blogging! Feel free to reach out anytime!

      Karen July 7, 2021 - 1:32 pm

      Thank you for your honesty. I am a new blogger and still have so many questions. You have answered many, and you have got me to ask more – lol. But you have also given me hope. Love this! Again thank you.

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 7, 2021 - 2:13 pm

      Aw, thanks so much Karen for your kind words! Keep on going! Blogging takes work but it’s so worth it!

      Sylvia July 7, 2021 - 2:48 pm

      Congrats on your growth!! We’ve started around the same time June of 2020… I do not have big traffic similar to yours but I am gaining some momentum and started my YouTube channel a few months ago. Thank you for being transparent and sharing!! I hope we can connect on the future.

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 8, 2021 - 6:59 am

      Wow that’s great you started a YouTube already! I’m definitely a bit overwhelmed at the idea of starting one!

      Julie Ann July 7, 2021 - 4:28 pm

      Thanks for being honest and sharing the numbers! It can be discouraging starting out when the numbers aren’t there; but the goal is to help others!

      Kali July 7, 2021 - 6:13 pm

      This was an awesome read. As a new blogger it’s great to see another in the same boat and actually getting page views!! Awesome 🙂

      erin July 8, 2021 - 6:20 pm

      Thanks for this honest post! Sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated when other bloggers are sharing how much they are making but it’s important to remember that it’s slow going at the beginning…..And Happy blogging anniversary! (Also, not a fan of ads either!)

      Sandra Whitmore July 14, 2021 - 11:33 am

      Thank you for your honesty! It makes me feel better even if my traffic is much less than yours. I, too, am at the 1-year mark and choose not to use ads or affiliate marketing. I’m not in it for the money. Also, I started a travel blog during the pandemic when people were not traveling so I figure it can only get better!

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 15, 2021 - 10:11 pm

      Wow Sandra! Congrats on one year! That’s awesome. And a travel blog during the pandemic had to be tough. But you’re right, you can only go up from here! Looking forward to following your journey! Thanks so much for reaching out.

      Carolyn M July 15, 2021 - 6:46 am

      Nice honest post. It’s encouraging for other bloggers to see early stats and how your blog is growing. We see so many posts like “how I made $5000 my first month blogging”, that it can lead to self doubt. Your writing style is lovely and I’m sure your blog will continue to grow.

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 15, 2021 - 10:09 pm

      Thank you so much Carolyn! That means a lot to me!

      Darla July 18, 2021 - 8:51 pm

      This was such a helpful article! Did you find the investment for SEM Rush to be worth it?

      Chelsea K. Baxter July 23, 2021 - 3:32 pm

      Thanks for the question Darla. I loved Semrush. It was packed with useful tools. However. At this stage, many of those tools were more advanced than I needed for the stage I’m at. (And the price reflected that.) It’s a fabulous tool and I’ll for sure check back in with it once my income merits it. For now, I’m loving Ubersuggest! Loads of great resources at a very affordable cost.

      Alison August 18, 2021 - 6:08 pm

      Thank you so much for sharing this info! I’m 3 years in on my blog. I haven’t made enough to cover my expenses either. However, I also have 3 young kids and can’t devote my full time to it. I have big plans for how I will kick it up to monetize from it though. You’ve done a great job with your blog. From those numbers it looks like you are well on your way to monetization!

      Chelsea K. Baxter August 19, 2021 - 6:18 am

      Thanks for sharing Alison! With three kids at home myself, I totally get it! I’m always trying to figure out how to fit in time to blog. Cheers to us and a big future with our blogs!

      Robynn November 17, 2021 - 6:00 pm

      Inspiring post. I’m just starting out and trying to get more traffic. It’s my goal to some day make a profit, but my main goal is to be able to help people and I really have found that I enjoy writing. So, I think like you, not making a profit right away won’t make me give up.

      Chelsea K. Baxter November 18, 2021 - 8:41 am

      That’s awesome Robynn! Thank you for stopping by, reading, and sharing!

      Corina November 18, 2021 - 7:15 pm

      Very good information. Lucky me I came across your site by chance (stumbleupon).
      I’ve book-marked it for later!

      Brenna Nail November 22, 2021 - 9:14 am

      As someone who just started blogging this month, this is so encouraging, insightful, and helpful! Thank you for being so transparent! Boutta go follow your socials 😉

      Chelsea K. Baxter November 29, 2021 - 6:32 am

      Aw, thank you so much Brenna!

      Dee Dee December 1, 2021 - 8:10 am

      LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Thank you for sharing so much information on how you started blogging, why, and where you are with it now. I started my blog a couple months ago and at times it seems overwhelming. I know I have so much more to learn, and I appreciate you sharing your journey! I have to keep telling myself that it doesn’t happen overnight!

      Chelsea K. Baxter December 6, 2021 - 10:21 pm

      Wow, Dee Dee, thank you so much for the thoughtful comment! I’d love to hear how your journey is going! And I’ve learned so much in this second year, about myself and blogging. I’m already looking forward to sharing year 2 with my readers!

      Zab Eton December 28, 2021 - 1:56 pm

      Great journey. I love the honesty and hard work that it seems you put on this first year blogging. Believe me, your efforts will show in upcoming months. As a new blogger myself, I like to see this.

      My growth is somewhat similar and I recommend you to get into Tiktok. I gained 400K followers on my first year…and I made a little bit of money on the process, but the potential is huge. However, in my case, everything is in Spanish, which I think makes things a little more difficult. 😅

      I wish you the best and Thank you for sharing your journey.

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 7, 2022 - 11:02 am

      Thank you so much for commenting Zab! I keep debating about Tiktok. It’s great to see how it’s doing for other bloggers. That’s amazing that you hit 400k though! Hope the new year brings you even more success!


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