You gave up steak? And chicken? Oh. But you still eat eggs and cheese though, right? No!? Dude. At least you still have bacon! Wait, what?! How do you cope …
Vegan, Plant-Based Diet
What do you want out of a sugar cookie? Soft? Crispy? A handful of ingredients? Minimal baking time so you can eat them as immediately as possible? This vegan …
You’re nervous. Thanksgiving seemed easier when you weren’t plant-based. Handling minor family squabbles isn’t nearly as challenging as asking to replace decades-old recipes. You’re worried. What if your loved ones …
When you go to your parents’ house for dinner, there’s some things you always expect to see on the table. For my family, it’s steamed artichokes and dip. It’s placed …
Have you ever tried barbecuing plant-based burgers? If not, let me save you the time: It’s pretty disappointing. Frozen patties crumble through the grill as soon as they thaw. Homemade, …
Whether you’re sending your kids back to school in the classroom, via distance learning or at home, one thing is certain: You still have to feed them lunch! But you’re …
Wait, your whole family eats vegan? Yup. Not just you? Correct. But what do vegans eat anyway? And what the heck do you feed the kids? I get asked this …
Wondering what to cook for your kids (and yourself!) for dinner tonight? Wish you could whip something up in a hot minute and be done with it? Yea, me too! …
If you became vegan today, do you think you could stay plant-based for 12 months? And if you have kids, do you think they’d make the switch with you? And …
What’s the hardest food to give up when you go vegan? Is it the fancy cheese that accompanied your glass of fine wine? That Sunday morning omelet and bacon? How …