You know when you say you’re going to do something, and then never get to it? And that goes on and on for like… a month?
While that may also apply to house cleaning, it’s definitely been the case for this blog!
It’s been over a month since I last wrote.
Well, for those of you curious, there are a lot of changes on my horizon. And I thought I’d share some of them with you because how this blog progresses will coincide with these life events.
Here’s what’s happening…
Before we begin, I want to sincerely say thank you to everyone who reads and follows along. You’re a big part of why I keep on writing!
So let’s get to it, huh? And start with this…
My kids don’t nap anymore.
And while some may think that’s a blessing because their afternoon schedules no longer revolve around getting their kids to bed, I’m inclined to disagree.
You see, I excelled at nap time. It’s when I exercised, worked (when I freelance edit), painted, cleaned, and, my favorite: wrote for this blog.
And while we still have a “rest” or “quiet” time at our house, it’s much shorter and filled with all the interruptions you’d imagine from kids who are, well, awake! As a result, I haven’t found a solid chunk of time to delve into all that my blog requires.
Of course, I occasionally stay up late to write or wake up early to start at the crack of dawn, but that leaves me exhausted, and frankly, short-tempered.
And with only 5 short months left with my youngest home with me, that leads me to my next point.
My youngest will start elementary school in August. So while he’s home with me, I want to be present for it. Because I’m acutely aware I won’t get a second chance at this time together.
And one thing COVID taught us was how valuable our time is together. When the world started again, our family wasn’t ready to jump back into our pre-pandemic, fast-paced life.
We’ve made conscious choices to do less where possible.
So we can be present as much as possible.
Therefore, when my youngest and I are together, we’re exploring, learning, playing, and most importantly, snuggling.
Will we be able to do that after he starts school in August? Or course. But this one-on-one time won’t be guaranteed.
And I’ll have plenty of time in August to catch up on all the other stuff. This leads me to my next point…

In August, after almost 12 years of being a stay-at-home mom with young ones home with me, I’ll be flying solo during the day.
The ball of feelings in my chest is so mixed, it’s hard to contain. Fear, excitement, worry, apprehension, longing, curiosity… are the tip of the iceberg.
What I’ve known for over a decade will change.
My routines will change. My availability will change. The freedom to dedicate time to my goals and dreams will be a reality.
And it’s during that time that I plan on ramping up this blog. Posting more frequently, creating additional resources for plant-based and mindful living, and more.
But although I see that on the horizon, I also see the end of an era I’ve cherished. So while it still surrounds me, I’m granting myself permission to be present for it.
And there’s another transition on the way too…
I see the end of an era I’ve cherished. So while it still surrounds me, I’m granting myself permission to be present for it.
When this blog turns 2 in June, I’ll turn 40. And as we age, our mortality moves closer to the front of our minds. Especially when you’re responsible for three little ones and the best husband in the world.
With the pandemic, my husband and I put our health on hold. It was hard to access health care for routine things like labs, physicals, etc. So we mainly visited only when our kids needed something.
Until recently.
I made my first physical since the pandemic. And like many, I gained that COVID-19, everyone jokes about. (Yes, even on a vegan diet you can gain weight!) The anxiety of life over the last two years definitely caused some emotional eating. And my depression made another appearance, which led to inactivity.
So to get back on track, my husband and I are dedicating ourselves to a whole-food, plant-based diet like we did when we went vegan almost three years ago. I’m also taking strides to care for my mental health, with some increased exercise, medical yoga, and other suggestions from my doctor.
My plan is to chronicle our whole-food, plant-based journey here on the blog. But how often, I’m not sure yet due to the reasons listed above!

What’s to come then?
Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere permanently! I love writing here too much! While I can’t promise weekly posting as usual for the next 5 months, I can promise posts about:
- This blog’s anniversary: With the blog’s second anniversary coming up, I’m planning to share all the stats as I did on my blog’s first anniversary.
- Our veganniversary: We’ve been vegan for almost three years now! So you can expect some info on that front.
- Our whole-food, plant-based journey: This may be a series of posts, meal plans, recipes, calendars, etc. starting with a post about week 1’s results next week!
- Bilateral music: Can you believe the bilateral music playlist I created to reduce anxiety has almost 500 likes!? Definitely expect more info on this topic!
And then once August rolls around (and I stop sobbing that my kids are gone and I’ve adjusted to this new lifestyle), you can expect more movement on posts, new digital resources, maaaaybe videos, and more!
Again, thank you so much for reading.
I know it’s been a while since we interacted, and I’d love to hear from you! So please drop a comment below or reach out on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn!
And remember: Stay mindful, even when your mind’s full, Chelsea

Love reading your blog. Just think, you’ll enjoy more time at school next year as PTA Pres and enjoying that time at school with the kids all at one location.
By the way I’m working hard to bring vegan items to the new Simi Valley night farmers market.
Vegan soups, crepes, pizza and over night oats, vegan desserts.
Aw, thanks Hope! I can’t believe I signed up to be president. I must be crazy lol! Can’t wait to see more vegan goods at our local farmers markets! Thank you!
It’s good to take a step to focus and be with your little ones when they need you. Love the blog and it will be waiting when for you in August!
Thanks Lisa!
Time spent with our families is the most important thing in this world. You never know when you may lose someone. I’m thrilled you are spending time with your loved ones. I lost my 19-year-old son in 2017, and I wish I would’ve spent more time with him. But, unfortunately, you can’t travel back in time.
Looking forward to having you entirely back in August.
Thanks Tammy! And I’m so sorry about your son. I’ve enjoyed following along with your healing journey.
Aw! I’ve been wondering where you’ve been but I also knew you have been super busy with the kids and life! You have a wonderful blog and I knew you weren’t going anywhere permanently. Take that fleeting time with your baby bc once they’re all out of the house all day, there will be no stopping you!
Ps. We’re also trying to get back to more WF less processed. We didn’t really gain any extra weight from the pandemic but it was definitely easier to emotionally eat. I was such a healthy WF vegan before all of the easily accessible junk food vegan stuff came about haha. I can’t wait to get back to it and try out whatever delicious foods you come up with. Lots of love
Aw thank you Keirsten! Yes! I’ve missed you (and your fabulous blog) too! And there are so many amazingly delicious vegan substitutes out there right now. And they make it so easy for me to whip them up for my large family. So I really have to dedicate myself to cooking with this new plan. But, I know it’ll be worth it. We’ll see how it goes! We’re one week in and feeling great!
We’ve been trying to give ourselves like a cheat meal once or twice a week but the rest WFPB. I’m finding that helps cause I do love a good Beyond Burger from time to time
Me too! Plus, sometimes we’re out and don’t have any other options but meat substitutes, so once or twice a week is what we’re having to do, too!
Good for you! Very uplifting post!the
Loved reading about this new journey of yours. I am currently on a journey of retirement and focusing on my blog. My children are all adults and I miss the time with them. But I have had to adjust throughout their growing up days. Missed those days. But I adore the adults they have become. Enjoy every new journey with them. It is an adventure in itself.
Thanks for sharing about your kids Sabrina. They are blessed to have such a mother who appreciates all the stages of their life. And there are so many emotions with each transition! My parents are at that retirement stage and I know it’s a big change! Good luck with the blog and your retirement!
Your determination is infectious!
Thank you Barbara!
Yes yes yes!!!! I feel all of this in my soul!! My blog is a year old and I write very periodically and it’s hard. My third will start kindergarten in August and I’m spending time with him and cherishing the time! You are so right!!! I love this!
Aw Erica! Sounds like we’re in the same boat! You have three kids, too, right? So your youngest will be in school as well! It’ll be life-changing for us, that’s for sure! Thanks for the kind words!
I think it’s awesome that you make a point to be present in life and for your kids! I feel you on dealing with depression and emotional eating. It’s tough, and even tougher with kids not sleeping on top of it! Good luck with everything! I look forward to see what your blog brings
Thanks Alexis! These last couple of years have really done a number on us, haven’t they? So much has changed and my support system hasn’t returned to full steam since the pandemic, so I know that’s played a role in my mental health. But I always love getting a laugh from your blog posts! Thanks again!
I am excited for your next chapter! And I love that you are taking a step back momentarily for your family. That’s the best part of being your own boss in my opinion!!
It’s totally the best part about being your own boss! Thanks Tiffany!
Enjoy that remaining time you have with your baby. All too quickly, they become adults and you can never get that time back.
I’m excited with you for the upcoming changes! And you are so right to spend that quality time with your son. There will be time later to write and pursue goals and dreams.