Hiya! I’m Chelsea!
I’m a writer, editor, school volunteer, and—my favorite and most important—a wife and mother. After a decade of raising three spirited and sensitive kids, I crave knowledge to help my busy family stay connected and enjoy the present moment.
When we aren’t running from school to basketball practice to a family party, you’ll find me reading and writing about parenting and relationships, mindful living and mindfulness, and—more recently—switching a family to a plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle.
Why Mama Has Her Mindful?
While rocking our first baby in the middle of the night, I had the idea to start Mama Has Her Mindful. (Back then, before mindfulness entered my life, it was “Mind Full.”) I felt overwhelmed with managing life as a stay-at-home/work-at-home mother. I didn’t know how to keep up with everything and be fully present for the little miracles my baby performed every day.
But balancing a business, having babies, and sleeping during any free moment I could get, put the blog on hold.

As time went on, those feelings only intensified. My mind was always so full, and although I didn’t have a word for it then, I know now, I wasn’t being mindful.
Six years later, I suffered two miscarriages and unexpectedly lost three friends in the same year.
I struggled with anxiety, depression and PTSD.
My mind was fuller than ever with frenzied thoughts. And I fought harder than ever to be there for my kids and husband. But I was unsuccessful.
Until I sought help. And welcomed mindfulness into my life.
Slowly, and not alone, I came back to the present.
During that time, mindfulness became like air for me. And it still is.
After years dedicated to healing, I started to see how being mindful was something I could carry with me, whether I had anxiety or not. Mindfulness didn’t cure me, but it helps me cope with life’s downs and deeply appreciate life’s ups. And I never want to forget that.
Mind Full or Mindful? – What You’ll Find Here
I started this blog to hold me accountable. Regardless of how busy life gets (and how FULL my mind is as a result), I need to remember how to stay present and mindful.
I also write because after spending 17 years in publishing as a writer and editor, I’m excited to now create content that inspires others to be more mindful of themselves and the world around them.
As our family grew more mindful, we became more aware of other aspects of our life that we wanted to improve upon. From self-care to caring for the environment, and then ultimately choosing to follow a plant-based diet and become vegan, it started with living a more mindful life.
During your visit here, you’ll find posts about mindfulness, but you’ll also find posts about volunteering, our family’s vegan journey, parenting, and more. That’s because they are all part of our quest to live more mindfully.
Let’s Connect!
The best way to stay in touch with me is to join my email list community! You’ll never miss a new post and you’ll get mindfulness and plant-based tips and updates sent right to your inbox!
My family and I are happy you stopped by! If you’re looking for more, check out some of our favorite posts: