10 Days of Love Notes for Kids: 5-Step Valentine’s Day Craft for Parents

by Chelsea K. Baxter
A door with the title 10 Reasons We Love You and 10 heart cut outs with different love notes for kids written on them to show the completed Valentine's Day craft for parents

How often do we say, “I love you” to our kids?

Every day? Several times a day?

And how often do we tell them WHY we love them?

How often do we tell them exactly what it is they do, or think, or say that makes us love them?

I realized, in my house, it wasn’t often enough.

So, I ask you, “When’s the best time to tell your kids how awesome they are?” Well, immediately, of course! But. When’s the next-best time? 😂

Valentine’s Day! 💓 The day we profess our love to those who matter most in our life!

And our kids matter. A lot. 

That’s why my husband and I do this craft every year. Ready to hear more? 

Let’s dive in.

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    How Does this Valentine’s Day Craft for Parents Work Anyway?

    Here’s how it works: First, start on the night of February 4th.

    Post a heart with a love note on your kids’ doors after they fall asleep. On the morning of February 5th, they wake up to find a personalized love note from you.

    The next night, leave another heart with a special message. Do this for 10 days (or less if you’re strapped for time). Post the last love note on the eve of Valentine’s Day.

    Our kids love it (especially since I think one of their love languages is words of affirmation). It’s become a tradition in our house and they look forward to it every year.

    Here are 5 steps to create heartfelt love notes for kids on Valentine’s Day.

    1. Gather Your Materials.

    This Valentine’s Day craft for parents (like any feasible craft for busy parents) doesn’t require much. I had everything I needed around the house already, so I spent $0 on this! Here’s what you need:

    The last one isn’t necessary, but it’s helpful to use as a rough draft.

    Here’s why. You can track what you write from one year to the next and make sure you don’t write the same thing you wrote for your Thanksgiving thankfulness craft (which is similar). You can also use Google Sheets to mark off each day as you post it on the door.

    And since I have three kids, it keeps me mindful of what I write for each kid in relation to their siblings. (Let’s be honest. When siblings are involved, it pays to consider how everyone will interpret the love note, even if it’s not intended for them.)

    Some materials needed to make this Valentine's Day craft: Scissors, tape, permanent marker, paper cutter, and a sign that says 10 Reasons We Love You
    Some of the materials I used to make the craft.

    2. Draft Your Love Notes for Kids.

    Now for the creative part! Brainstorm all the reasons you love your child. Take a moment to be mindful of all the good your kids bring to your life. Then write your list on paper, in a note app on your phone, or in Google Sheets or Excel.

    In case you have writer’s block, here are some examples of love notes for kids:

    • We love listening to you sing songs.
    • We love hearing you read to us before bed. 
    • We love how you include your brother in the games you play.
    • We love your perseverance when learning something new.
    • We love that you know how to say “sorry.”

    You could also start your message with “I love you because….”

    If you plan to do this craft for 10 days, as I’ve done, list 10 reasons you love them. If you plan to do it for 5 days, list 5 reasons, and so on.

    If you care what order you share your love notes in, then rearrange your list in the order you like.

    A screenshot of a Google Sheets table titled 10 Reasons We Love You. The next column says "Year" and the next says "Day" and "Child's Name". There are 10 rows below Child's Name.
    This is an example of the table I use in Google Sheets.

    3. Make (or Buy) the Hearts.

    I folded my paper in half, cut out half of a heart shape, unfolded it, and voila! A heart cut-out.

    If you aren’t motivated to cut out hearts, purchase heart-shaped cut-outs that are large enough to write your love notes for kids. You could also use a Cricut if you have one.

    Once you have the hearts, use a permanent marker to write your love messages.

    I batch this process. I write all 10 love notes at once. Then, I stack the hearts in a pile, paperclip them together, and wait for the kids to fall asleep!

    A pile of multicolored hearts cut out of construction paper
    I use lots of colors for our heart cutouts because I have lots of leftover scrapbook paper.

    4. Profess Your Love.

    Start on the night of February 4th. After the kiddos go to bed, take a heart, roll a strip of painter’s tape to the back of it, and stick it to the door.

    If you’d like to post a sign as I did, you can tape that at the top of the door, and place the hearts under it.

    If you forget one night to post a heart (it’s happened to me several times), don’t be too hard on yourself! Put it up while they’re at school, playing outside or away from their room so they have something to come back to.

    The last heart gets posted on the night before Valentine’s Day. If you’d like to START it on Valentine’s Day, then you can post a heart each night following February 14th.

    A heart cut out of construction paper with a piece of painter's tape rolled up on the back and a love message on the front which is facing down.
    I roll up a piece of painter’s tape to the back of the heart because it’s easy to take off the door later.

    5. Witness the Warm and Fuzzies.

    Here’s my favorite part of this Valentine’s Day craft for parents!

    If you’re present when your kids discover your love notes, it’s heartwarming to witness the spark of joy, pride, and confidence that lights their eyes. For my younger kids, who can’t read yet, I love watching them run to get me and excitedly pull me to their door to read what their new heart says.

    My children’s responses vary from an ear-to-ear grin, or a beaming smile, to an embarrassed flush. But afterward, I always find peace knowing I shared my thoughts and love with them.

    But Do I Really Have Time to Write Love Notes for Kids?

    As parents, we get busy. And sometimes, we forget—or we don’t take the opportunity—to express the depth of our love. 

    But imagine our child’s chest swelling with love after they read our note. 

    Imagine the deep sense of gratitude and joy we’ll feel when we reflect on how blessed we are to have such an awe-inspiring child in our life.

    And now imagine sending that joy out into the world when we put our pen to that heart-shaped paper.

    I’m as busy as the next parent. But my kids look forward to this small act of kindness every year. And I look forward to celebrating all the new ways I love them this year, and how I can best express that love to them.

    What Do You Love About Your Kid?

    Now, I want to hear from you! What would be in your love notes for kids? Tell me ONE reason you love your child (or grandchild, or niece or nephew) in the comments below. (I’m sure you can think of WAY more, but let’s start with one!)

    I’d love to see how your Valentine’s Day display turns out! Take a pic and tag me on Instagram!

    Stay mindful, even when your mind’s full.

    P.S. Again, here’s all you need for this project (and I found all of it around my house)!

    P.S.S. By the way, this Valentine’s Day craft isn’t reserved for kids! You could use this to write love messages to your husband or wife, too!

    P.S.S.S. If one of your child’s love languages is words of affirmation and/or they like reading these little love notes from you, don’t wait until next year to do it again. I make a thankfulness craft with love notes for my kids at Thanksgiving!

    Want to see these instructions in a video? Check it out on my Instagram!

    Want to remember this craft for next year? Pin it! 📌👇

    Pin for Pinterest that reads Love Notes for Kids 5-Step Valentine's Day Craft for Parents and has a photo in the background of a bedroom door with 10 hearts cut out with writing on them and a sign above them that reads 10 reasons we love you

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      10 Days of Love Notes for Kids: 5-Step Valentine’s Day Craft for Parents10 Days of Love Notes for Kids: 5-Step Valentine’s Day Craft for Parents10 Days of Love Notes for Kids: 5-Step Valentine’s Day Craft for Parents10 Days of Love Notes for Kids: 5-Step Valentine’s Day Craft for Parents

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      Sydney Delong-Eat Simply Sweet January 25, 2021 - 7:50 am

      I love this idea!! I cant wait to do this when my kids are older

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 25, 2021 - 3:49 pm

      Thanks Sydney! My kids look forward to it every year! Even my 3-year-old gets excited. 🙂

      Tiffany January 25, 2021 - 11:09 am

      Such cute ideas!!!

      Holly January 25, 2021 - 11:44 am

      What a great idea! It is like a heart “attack” of inspiring and love notes!! Thank you for sharing this!!

      Jill DeMasi January 25, 2021 - 1:40 pm

      This is so sweet. What a great way to express your love for your children!

      Keirsten January 25, 2021 - 1:47 pm

      This is so sweet! Such a great idea to show your kids how much they mean to you and why. Love notes are always so sweet to find. <3

      Sabrina DeWalt January 25, 2021 - 3:07 pm

      My kids are grown, but you just gave me a great idea for the hubby!

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 25, 2021 - 3:48 pm

      Awesome Sabrina! Yep, this is a great Valentine’s Day craft for spouses too!

      Alexis Farmer January 25, 2021 - 3:25 pm

      This is such a cute idea! 😍

      Debbie January 25, 2021 - 3:35 pm

      What a sweet activity!

      lisa manderino January 25, 2021 - 4:01 pm

      What a great way to show love! My husband did this for me!

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 26, 2021 - 4:07 pm

      That’s so sweet Lisa! This is a great idea for spouses too!

      Tiffany January 25, 2021 - 6:18 pm

      We did this a few years ago and my boys still have their hearts!

      Melissa | It's a Joyous Journey January 25, 2021 - 7:08 pm

      What a great idea! I’m going to do this with my older kids this year. My oldest is about to get married and move out, so it will be his last Valentine’s Day at home. Thanks for sharing!

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 26, 2021 - 4:07 pm

      Aw, that’s awesome Melissa! Good luck!

      Suz | TravelsWithSuz.com January 25, 2021 - 7:11 pm

      Great idea, to be specific with your love messages. I write to my 4 year old grandson in Germany 2-3 times a week; I’m going to try to think of more specific statements to convey my love. Thanks for the inspo!

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 26, 2021 - 4:05 pm

      Aw, that’s so special Suz! I love it!

      Barbara January 25, 2021 - 7:32 pm

      🙂 This makes me smile! My Senior football player in college is actually a big teddy bear. I wish I could leave him notes in his cottage for ten days of how much we LOVE him! We’d sure giggle together! My Senior in High school, well, he’s fair game!

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 26, 2021 - 4:05 pm

      Lol so cute Barbara! I love Sandi’s idea above to send text messages to our kids who have left the nest or have phones. 😉

      Cindy January 25, 2021 - 9:25 pm

      What a great way to make kids feel loved. I wish I’d done this when my kids were younger.

      Sandi Barrett January 26, 2021 - 3:52 am

      I love this – I think it would be fun to do as text messages too – for those of us whose kids have launched.

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 26, 2021 - 4:04 pm

      Oh my gosh Sandi! I love that idea!

      Cindy Moore January 26, 2021 - 7:40 am

      So sweet and a powerful way to show love and encouragement. We used to do this when our kids were young.

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 26, 2021 - 4:03 pm

      Aw, that’s wonderful Cindy!

      Suzan January 26, 2021 - 9:29 am

      Say it, show it. Always!

      Kristin January 26, 2021 - 9:55 am

      So sweet! We do something similar every year but I really love the organization and I’m going to set a little reminder to start 10 days before V-Day so I can do one a day. So special!!

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 26, 2021 - 4:03 pm

      Awesome Kristin! Can’t wait to see how it goes!

      Anyka January 26, 2021 - 11:09 am

      this is a great activity when I baby sit some kids! Thanks 😊

      Ashley Pacheco January 26, 2021 - 12:22 pm

      This is a great idea. How sweet for little kids, and so much more meaningful than just buying “stuff”.

      Marianne January 26, 2021 - 12:37 pm

      Great idea! My kids are a little older… but I think I am going to do this. Since they are distance learning, they wont be getting any Valentines from anyone this year!

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 26, 2021 - 4:02 pm

      Marianne, mine aren’t exchanging Valentine’s with their classes either, so I’m really looking forward to doing this this year. I may throw in some extra candy too. 😉

      Sandra Whitmore January 26, 2021 - 7:58 pm

      This is so sweet. Lovely idea.

      Elizabeth January 27, 2021 - 5:56 pm

      How cute is this ideas!? I have 4 kids and I know they would love to know why I love them! I’m going to attempt to do this for valentines Day, but probably only for 4 days since I have so many!

      Chelsea K. Baxter January 31, 2021 - 1:24 am

      That’s awesome Elizabeth! Good luck! Let me know how it goes. I’m sure they will love getting love notes from you!

      Maya January 30, 2021 - 11:53 am

      Such cute ideas!

      Chantelle February 1, 2022 - 1:14 am

      This is such a great idea!

      Sabrina DeWalt February 2, 2022 - 9:07 pm

      I did this for my husband last year while we were on the road, living in our truck. It blew him away. He laughed with delight the first two days, but then started expecting them every day. He was disappointed if he didn’t find the heart right away. He referred to it as a Valentine’s advent calendar.

      Chelsea K. Baxter February 3, 2022 - 6:11 am

      I love it, Sabrina! Thank you so much for sharing!


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